The problem of unemployment in the Republic of Serbia with specific regard to informal employment

Sanja Paunović, Rajko Kosanović
2011 SEER. Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe. Journal of the European Trade Union Institute  
Unemployment in Serbia is very high. Women are affected by unemployment more severely than men, despite their higher level of educational attainment, and the unemployment rate for women has been significantly higher than that for men. Young people (15-24 years old) also have an exceptionally low employment-to-population ratio (18.7 % in 2005 and 15 % in 2010). Unfavourable demographic trends have also contributed to the worsening of the main labour market indicators in Serbia. After the onset
more » ... the crisis, employment has fallen more steeply than has GDP. This means that Serbia had, in the previous period, very high employment elasticity. The National Employment Strategy for the Period 2011-2020 aims to support the future development of Serbia with employment creation and the reduction of relative poverty at its core. In pursuing its objectives, the Employment Strategy will also focus on supporting pro-investment approaches and export-oriented industries, as set out in the post-crisis economic development and growth model. Das Erstellen und Weitergeben von Kopien dieses PDFs ist nicht zulässig. 2 The unemployment rate presents the share of the unemployed in total active population (employed and unemployed). 3 The employment rate presents the percentage of the employed in the total population aged 15 and over.
doi:10.5771/1435-2869-2011-4-505 fatcat:4y7dte6d7zffhipnq4gdl4q72a