Sonographic patterns of liver seconderies among a patient with known primary extra hepatic cancer at radiology department of Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital, TASH

Abdulhafiz Idris
The most common malignancy of the liver is metastases from other organs. 25–50% patients with a known non-haematological malignancy have liver metastases at the time of diagnosis. The incidence of hepatic metastases depends on the type of primary tumor and its stage at initial Detection. Ultrasonography being used worldwide with high frequency as a reliable method for the initial diagnosis of liver metastases. Aim of study: To assess the common Sonographic patterns of liver metastasis among
more » ... ent with known extra hepatic primary malignancy. Materials and methods: institution based prospective cross sectional study of 93 patients with known primary extra hepatic malignancy was conducted at sonography unit of Radiology department of Tikur Anbessa specialized Hospital (TASH) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from February 1 to August, 2017 using a sonoscape SSI-8000 model ultrasound machine. Result: The highest numbers of patients (30.1%) were in the age group of 48 – 57 followed by 38 – 47 and 58 – 67 age group respectively. 81 of 93 patients (87.1%) had multifocal liver metastases disease, where as 12 of 93 cases (12.9%) had single or solitary hepatic metastases. The commonest types of liver lesion identified were target (42%), echogenic (18 %) and Hypo echoic (17 %). Out of 21 primary breast cancer patients 13 patients had Target liver lesion and 5 had hypo echoic liver lesions. Thirteen patients with primary colonic cancer 4 had echogenic, 3 had hypo echoic and 4 had target liver lesions. Conclusion: the most common primary tumor resulting hepatic metastases are those from GI tract with colonic adenocarcinoma being on the top followed by Breast and pancreas. Majority of primary extra hepatic tumor produce multifocal liver metastases .The ultrasound pattern of liver metastases is quite varied and there is no consistent relation between the ultrasound pattern and type of tumor that allows one to specify primary malignant. The various common ultrasound patterns include multiple target, echogenic, hypo echoic and [...]
doi:10.20372/nadre/13200 fatcat:svlnolfp2vgfbnho3gedsrfvnm