The spatial relationship between the musculature and the 5-HT and FMRFamide immunoreactivities in cercaria, metacercaria and adult Opisthorchis felineus (Digenea)

Oleg Tolstenkov, Nadezhda Terenina, Elena Serbina, Margaretha Gustafsson
2010 Acta Parasitologica  
AbstractThe organisation of the neuromuscular system in cercariae, metacercariae and adult Opisthorchis felineus was studied. The patterns of nerves immunoreactive (IR) to antibodies towards serotonin (5-HT) and FMRFamide are described in relation to the musculature, stained with TRITC-conjugated phalloidin. The general organisation of the musculature in the body wall, suckers, pharynx, intestine and sphincter of the excretory pore remains the same from the larval stages to the adult worms.
more » ... ver, the diameter of the individual muscle fibres increases distinctly in the adult worms. The general pattern of 5-HT IR fibres in cercariae, metacercariae and adult O. felineus remains the same. Despite the large increase in body size, the number of 5-HT IR neurones remains almost the same in the cercariae and metacercariae and only a modest increase in number of neurones was observed in the adult worms. Thus the proportion of 5-HT IR neurones/body mass is greatest in the actively moving cercariae. Anti-FMRFamide stains the nervous system strongly.
doi:10.2478/s11686-010-0024-4 fatcat:5jdvw32c3ndd7mabzw2mbj6sfe