APSA Offers Free Child Care at Meeting

1985 PS  
The Association will again provide roommate matching services for the Annual Meeting for members who would like to share the cost of a room. On the basis of information supplied by registrants for the service, APSA will match members according to their schedules. To participate, members should fill out the two forms entitled, "Application for Roommate Matching Service" and "Application for Hotel Reservation," in the back of this issue of PS. The expected date and time of arrival and departure
more » ... st be clearly indicated in the space provided on the hotel reservation form. These two completed forms should be sent to APSA's National Office (not to the hotel). As soon as reservations with the hotel are confirmed, APSA will notify applicants that a room has been reserved and will provide the name of the roommate. Once the applicants receive a room confirmation from APSA, they are responsible for any hotel costs incurred. Any subsequent changes in plans should be coordinated directly with the specified roommate and the hotel. Requests for the roommate matching service should be received no later than July 12. •
doi:10.1017/s0030826900623408 fatcat:wih3zcakbja3dfimdgdnk5k6hq