Sivers Single-Spin Asymmetry in Photon-Jet Production

Alessandro Bacchetta, Cedran Bomhof, Umberto D'Alesio, Piet J. Mulders, Francesco Murgia
2007 Physical Review Letters  
We study a weighted asymmetry in the azimuthal distribution of photon-jet pairs produced in the process p^\uparrow p --> \gamma jet X with a transversely polarized proton. We focus on the contribution of the Sivers effect only, considering experimental configurations accessible at RHIC-BNL. We show that predictions for the asymmetry, obtained in terms of gluonic-pole cross sections calculable in perturbative QCD, can be tested and clearly discriminated from those based on a generalized parton
more » ... del, involving standard partonic cross sections. Experimental measurements of the asymmetry will therefore test our present understanding of single-spin asymmetries.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.99.212002 pmid:18233210 fatcat:ocfildf5pbh6zhokcjn2z3zkoy