Design of a Surface-Mounted PMSM Current Controller Using Uncertainty Estimation with a PI Observer
PI 관측기의 불확실성 추정을 이용한 표면부착형 영구자석 동기기의 전류 제어기 설계

In-Hyuk Kim, Dae-Sik Choi, Young-Ik Son
2011 The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers  
This paper presents a robust current controller for a surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor(SPMSM) by using a PI observer. The decoupling PI(proportional-integral) controller combined with an additional feed-forward compensation has been used for the current controller. The classical feed-forward compensation using velocity information and system parameters is not expected to achieve a robust performance against parameter uncertainties. This paper has adopted a PI observer for the
more » ... eed-forward compensation to cope with parameter uncertainties without using velocity information. A simple PI observer has been designed to compensate the disturbances that represent velocity coupled terms and parameter uncertainties. Experimental results as well as computer simulations with 630W SPMSM confirm that the proposed approach can deal with the effects of the disturbance and improve the control performance.
doi:10.5370/kiee.2011.60.5.1011 fatcat:izemtla77rhx5ohnkyb4xtwv44