Numerical Investigation of the Mixing Performance of a Novel Hepatic Sinusoids-Based Micromixer

Mahmoud A. Shouman, Ahmed H. El-shazly, Marwa F. Elkady, Mohamed Nabil Sabry
2020 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research  
Recently, microreactor technology has been considered for carrying out reactions in different fields of application. A microreactor can be divided into three main parts; micromixer, reactor, and separator. The micromixer is the most important part of a microreactor as the reaction performance is highly dependent on the mixing performance. In this paper, an innovative hepatic sinusoidsbased (HS) micromixer is introduced and numerically investigated for mixing performance. A 3-dimensional model
more » ... constructed to conduct the study. The mixing performance is described by both the mixing quality and the pressure drop across the micromixer. The study is conducted for low Re numbers ranges from 0.1 to 50, where the flow is considered stratified. Results show that the use of the developed micromixer enhanced the mixing performance over the studied range of Reynold numbers compared with regular micromixer. 
doi:10.18178/ijmerr.9.3.371-377 fatcat:lphpqhkhovhgzhldrsmk77wqzu