Scholar Critic A Feminist Approach in Mulk Raj Anand's The Old Woman and the Cow

Mohan Dhanesh, Bartwal
Mulk Raj Anand is in the list of those writers of Indo-Anglian literature who portray the society with its different shades and contours in pre and post Independence of India. His legendary novel The Old Woman and the Cow, well appreciated by readers and critics, brought to him immense popularity and prestige. The novel not only highlights the deplorable condition of its protagonist, Gauri, in the male chauvinistic Indian society but suggests the appropriate paths to eradicate this age-old
more » ... tion which is neither suitable for the humans nor the humanity. Gauri's optimistic steps towards modernity for making her identity in the discriminated society lead her from the gloomy atmosphere of society to self-esteemed environs. Consequently, she gets a rebellion attitude through modernity to break the fetters of male domination and overcomes from it with self-reliance. Present paper is an effort to trace out the causes of the sufferings of an Indian woman in any society and, subsequently, explores the suggested ways by the novelist to uplift the pathetic condition of woman through the novel. The paper also highlights the humanistic treatment of Mulk Raj Anand for the sufferings of Indian woman and tries to soothe her aching heart with the spirit of modernity.