An Incidentally Diagnosed Interdural Lipoma

Atul Agrawal, Deepashu Sachdeva, Vikrant Setia, A.K Srivastava
2016 Journal of Case Reports  
Intracranial lipomas are not commonly encountered lesions in neurosurgical practice. They are congenitally malformed tissue and found because of maldifferentiation and abnormal persistence of meninx primitive. Intracranial lipomas are mainly found in midline and less commonly over cerebral hemispheric locations. Here, we present a case of head injury which was incidentally found to be having interdural lipoma over right frontoparietal convexity region. Histopathology of excised mass confirmed
more » ... e diagnosis of lipoma. In best of our knowledge, this is first case of interdural lipoma that is being reported. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( Conflict of interest: None declared | Source of funding: Nil | DOI: http://dx.
doi:10.17659/01.2016.0135 fatcat:nsdcljo4wrhbjocjvjzxpxulqa