Naturality and sociality on human body:focusing on the discusses of 'the state of nature' of J. J. Rousseau

Research Journal of Physical Arts  
This paper aims at reconstructing the Rousseau's thought of human body based on the positive grounds; the original terms ʻcorps'. We can point out of some problems that this attempt confronts. One is that, in general, the objectivity which ʻhuman body' means in a discourse cannot be defi ned without positive examinations. Another is, especially concerning Rousseau, that we cannot confi rm a work devoted to human body, therefore, it is not easy to grasp his thought of human body as a whole. In
more » ... is situation, we adopt a ʻRousseau's principle' as a theoretical viewpoint, which is his own framework of understanding: the contrast of nature and society. This is pointed out as one of most important key concept for interpretation of his works. Depending on this fl ame work, this paper will throw light on the subject. Of course, his works are too much to be focused on this paper, so we will restrict objects to his second discourse: Discours sur l'origine de l'inegalite parmi les hommes. This work is considered to be starting point for the development of his thoughts. In this discussion, we can fi nd out his prototype of thought about human body. Main points presented in this paper are as follow: In his second discourse, the ʻprinciple' appears in the form of contrast between ʻstate of nature' and society in his time. And, human body is described in forms according to each conditions; that is, in the ʻstate of nature', human body has excellent modes in two aspect; health and the all-around ability. But, in the society, these natural modes had been lost.
doi:10.51078/physicalarts.2009.002 fatcat:3v467lithra7hinpp7e5yzuu5q