The Effect of Relatively High Ammonia Concentrations in Reformate on PEMFC Performance

Herie J. Soto, W-k. Lee, J. W. Van Zee, Mahesh Murthy
2002 ECS Proceedings Volumes  
Data are reported for Gore's advanced PRIMEA® Membrane Electrode Assembly (Series 5621) with reformate at 101 kPa and at 70°C. The steady state polarizations curves for different NH3 concentrations (i.e., 80 and 200 ppm NH3) in neat reformate (40% H2, 17% CO2, and 43% N2) were measured and compared with a polarization curve for 500 ppm NH3 in neat H2. The polarization losses from neat hydrogen and neat reformate are discussed. The results show that cell performance was decreased when ammonia
more » ... introduced in the reformate (for example, the current density dropped from 825 to 200 mA/cm2 at 0.6 V). A cyclic transient test for 80 ppm NH3 was performed to determine rates of poisoning and recovery.
doi:10.1149/200231.0139pv fatcat:mh55fhcaevhibkp77j7dvwd7m4