EURADOS Intercomparison 2014 for Whole Body Dosemeters in Photon Fields
Hannes Stadtmann, Andrew F. McWhan, Tom W.M. Grimbergen, Markus Figel, Ana M. Romero, Christian Gärtner, Christian Hranitzky, Kerstin Hürkamp
Abstract: EURADOS Working Group 2 has developed a system for self-sustained programme of regular intercomparisons (ICs), (Figel, M. Report to Council, WG02-SG2, 2007). The first three ICs, which were all for whole body dosemeters in photon fields, were carried out between 2008 and 2012 (IC2008, IC2010, IC2012). In addition, two ICs with different scopes were carried out, one for extremity dosemeters in photon and beta fields (IC2009ext) and one for whole-body dosemeters in neutron fields
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... n). The current IC, IC2014 for whole body dosemeters in photon fields, has built on the success of the three previous ICs with 112 participating dosimetry systems from 96 institutes and participants from 35 countries around the world. The number of participating systems increased significantly compared to IC2008 – from 62 in IC2008 to 112 in IC2014 . IC2014 was organized by an organization group (OG) composed of Hannes Stadtmann and Christian Gärtner from Seibersdorf Labor GmbH (co-ordinators and co-ordinating laboratory), Tom Grimbergen (NRG), Ana Maria Romero (CIEMAT), Andrew McWhan (Cavendish Nuclear Limited) and Markus Figel (Helmholtz Zentrum München). The systems tested during this exercise included 79 TLD, 12 Film, 11 OSL and 10 dosemeter systems based on other techniques (Other), i.e. radiophotoluminescence (RPL), direct ion storage (DIS) or active personal dosemeters (APD). A total of 3360 dosemeters were handled by the coordinator of which 2240 dosemeters were irradiated. All irradiations were carried out by a selected metrology laboratory, accredited to EN ISO/IEC 17025 in accordance with the irradiation plan developed by the OG. The metrology laboratory selected for IC2014 was the Seibersdorf Labor GmbH. Out of the total of 112 systems, 81 reported both Hp(10) and Hp(0.07) and 31 reported Hp(10) results only. In general, the participants showed a very satisfactory performance with only 5% outliers for the dose quantity Hp(10) from the total reported values. 77% systems had no outliers f [...]