Identity Management in the Age of Mobilification

Ali M. Al-Khouri
2014 Internet Technologies and Applications Research  
In light of the staggering evolution of mobile technologies, the concept of mobility is gaining more attention worldwide. Recent statistics demonstrate mobile channels' increasing significance in outreach and service delivery. However, governments and businesses face a challenge in reaping the benefits of mobile platforms: how to confirm the authenticity of mobile users and transactions. Mobile devices, by design, are well suited for enabling authentication and digital signing services, similar
more » ... to traditional PC and laptop environments. But although various implementations support different authentication schemes, they still do not instill sufficient levels of trust and confidence. In this article we explore the practice of mobile identity management. We provide an overview of how EU countries tackle mobile identity. The main part of the article sheds light on the solution framework adopted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to address, recently launched mobile government transformation initiatives. Taking into account the newness of the topic, the content of this article should fuel the current limited knowledge base and trigger debate around the presented approaches.
doi:10.12966/itar.01.01.2014 fatcat:vbk7krqjpzfgzknpjl7yhdcs5y