Enzymes of nucleic acid metabolism from mung bean sprouts. II. The specificity of 3'-nucleotidase activity and general properties of the 3'-nucleotidase-ribonuclease M2 fraction

H S Loring, J E McLennan, T L Walters
1966 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
The 3'nucleotidase present in mung bean sprouts was found to hydrolyze the d'-monophosphates of adenosine, guanosine, uridine, and cytidine in the order 3'-AMP > 3'-GMP > 3'-UMP > 3'-CMP, and also to hydrolyze the 3'-phosphate group of coenzyme A, but showed no significant activity for 2'-or S-ribonucleotides or for several non-nucleotide phosphomonoesters. pH optima and the respective K", values for 3'-AMP, 3'-GMP, 3'-CMP, and 3'-UMP were determined. The 3'nucleotidase and ribonuclease Mz were
more » ... inactivated reversibly at pH 5 and by dialysis and irreversibly by ethylenediaminetetraacetate. Inactivation of both enzymes at pH 5 could be largely prevented by the presence of Zn++, while several other metal ions were ineffective. The optimal concentrations of Zn++ for preventing inactivation were considerably different for the 3'-nucleotidase and RNase Mz. The two enzyme activities were shnllarly inactivated by heat at pH 5 and 7.5. The pH optimum of RNase Mz was pH 5 with no Zn++ present, but dropped to pH 4.5 in the presence of 5 x 10d5 M Zn++, which also greatly increased its activity in the pH range 3.5 to 4.5. Several lines of evidence suggesting that the 3'-nucleotidase and RNase Mz activities may be due to the same protein are presented.
pmid:5912361 fatcat:o73wn4ybnbhizmlui5323gtj4q