1918 Science  
SCIENCE 535 originated in this way, and the board is making inquires as to the local prevalence of the carrier mosquitoes, and taking other precautions in regard to the disease. UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL NEWS THE University of Illinois college of medicine announces that, beginning with June 3, it will operate on the quadrimester system. I n this system there will be three terms of four months each per calendar year. The courses will be so arranged that it will %e possible for a etudent to
more » ... the school a t the beginning of any one of the three terms. AFTER September of this year at Columbia University the doctorate of medicine of the medilcal school will be conferred only upon men who have had, in addition to four years at the medical school, one full year of service at a hospital under faculty supervision.
doi:10.1126/science.47.1222.535 fatcat:ddcwdvx6zbfadgn5wssgnfl5h4