An Experimental Study on the Bond Strength of Re-bar Anchors with Adhesive Type
부착식 주입형 철근앵커의 부착력에 관한 실험적 연구

Seong Yeon Seo
2013 Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation  
The use of post-installed anchors with adhesive type has lately been increasing when it is necessary to repair, reinforce, or remodel structures because this constructing method has flexibility and simplicity of construction in adhering or fixing structural members. Meanwhile, strength evaluation of anchors with expansion type among postinstalled anchors systems has nearly reached setting-up stage like design code through continual experimental studies for the last ten years, but analysis or
more » ... erimental studies on anchor system with adhesive type are not sufficient yet. Accordingly, we performed pull-out tests to analyze the bond strength of re-bar anchors with adhesive type embedded in non-cracking plain concrete, with variables such as anchor diameter, embedded length, and edge distance. As a result, we got the following results. 1) As a result of linear regression analysis on the bond strength of re-bar anchors with adhesive type by the anchor diameter, it showed that bond strength reduced by 0.15MPa per 1mm diameter. 2) As a result of linear regression analysis on the bond strength of re-bar anchors with adhesive type by the embedded length, bond strength reduced by 4.9% each when the embedded length reduced by 0.1 times of the standard embedded length. 3) The value of 5% fracture probability, applying the influence coefficient by the edge distance of re-bar anchors with adhesive type, resulted in 1.2.
doi:10.9798/kosham.2013.13.2.015 fatcat:afegdd7d6zb5nc5ocbhyjq4rwy