Interlingual Mediation In The Period Of Lend-Lease By Arctic Allied Convoys

Elena Aleksandrova
2020 unpublished
b) Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 17B, Severnoy Dviny Emb., Abstract The article highlights the results of a research project aimed at determining the main methods of interlingual mediation in the years of Arctic convoys. The research has been conducted by leading universities of the Russian North and allowed for solution of a number of interrelated problems, including the investigation of interlingual mediation during the war years, introduction of the history
more » ... of translation and interpreting during the period of the Arctic convoys as a special branch of scientific knowledge, adjacent to national history, theory of intercultural communication, international relations and translation studies. We have identified the main methods of interlingual mediation in the Russian North during the Great Patriotic War, as well as clarified the role of mediation activities of non-professional translators/interpreters in the years of lend-lease deliveries by Arctic allied convoys. Adaptive transcoding as one of the types of interlingual mediation is considered in the study not only in the framework of the traditional approach with recipient group and skopos being determining factors, but also with account of communicative situation. The article presents the data obtained through the analysis of archival documents, which have been in open access over recent years. The analysis has allowed systematizing and assessing the mediation activities of customs officers, the military, teachers, students, as well as employees of international clubs (Interclubs) of Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Molotovsk. Special attention is paid to the functions of Interclubs as both recreational places and educational, or even agitational institutions.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.05.370 fatcat:jysxpb34s5ayfmcwe7yht5x4yu