The Transformation of the Problematic Concerning the Formation of Neoliberal Actors

2012 The Journal of Studies in Contemporary Sociological Theory  
Neoliberalism in our everyday life tends to be understood in terms of social management but this perspective tends to close off consideration of the internalization of the specific ideology. This paper attempts to elucidate the essential character of neoliberalism by returning to the internal logic of neoliberal economics. We argue that neoliberalism means the segmentation of the world by using the framework of the market . We posit that the formation of the neoliberal actor is not in the
more » ... that we are governed but in the moment that we govern . By recounting the re-entry of the market into the framework of government strategy it reconstructs the problematic applied to the study of the formation of neoliberal actors.
doi:10.34327/sstj.6.0_37 fatcat:p7hcx4dc7bc2riszp6cygnwvrq