Analysis on Rock Art in Qarasu River Basin at Meshgin Shahr (Azerbaijan)

Mohammad Mirzaei
2016 International Journal of Archaeology  
The rock art can be seen in Iran in most of mountainous regions where roaming life and livestock-farming are prevalent typically. The studied site in Qarasu River basin-locating in Meshgin Shahr city-has clarified dark and ambiguous views of this new tendency at North West region of Iran. This art has been implemented by various techniques on surfaces of various rocks and stones since ancient time that may typically strike in mind the life of creators, their relationship with adjacent lands,
more » ... ideology and intellectual and aesthetic excellence of different human communities over long years. One can find the evidences about lifestyle of primitive inhabitants in this area and their art and other ambiguous cultural points of them by study on these artifacts. The important areas such as Pirazmiyan, Nuqdu, Chapaqan, Dedebeyglu, Shikh Medi, and Deve Deresi regions include valuable Rock Art in Qarasu River basin and due to their similarities they have been probably related to each other. Survey has been done on Rock Art designs in the studied region according to field studies and the existing designs have been classified into three groups of human, animal, and rock-pit and introduced as geometric-symbolic designs where they have been investigated regarding this point that what kind of relationship and continuities might exist among living and environmental backgrounds with this region.
doi:10.11648/j.ija.20160405.11 fatcat:axq4pumaefc3vfdgfuk6gohe5e