Reconstruction of shapes of 3D symmetric objects by using planarity and compactness constraints

Yunfeng Li, Zygmunt Pizlo, Longin Jan Latecki, David M. Mount, Angela Y. Wu
2007 Vision Geometry XV  
We present a new algorithm for reconstructing 3D shapes. The algorithm takes one 2D image of a 3D shape and reconstructs the 3D shape by applying a priori constraints: symmetry, planarity and compactness. The shape is reconstructed without using information about the surfaces, such as shading, texture, binocular disparity or motion. Performance of the algorithm is illustrated on symmetric polyhedra, but the algorithm can be applied to a very wide range of shapes. Psychophysical plausibility of the algorithm is discussed.
doi:10.1117/12.713195 fatcat:lwc42fpny5dxpnhkwnswl3gdga