S111022 Effects of Helix Angle and Web Structure on Root Stresses of Thin-Rimmed Helical Gears with Web Arrangement
S111022 薄肉ウェブ構造はすば歯車の歯元応力に及ぼすねじれ角およびウェブ構造の影響([S111-02]第19回卒業研究コンテスト(2))

Takahiro ASANO, Kouitu MIYACHIKA, Yuuiti ONO
2013 The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress Japan  
Root stresses of thin − rimmed helical gears with symmetric and asymmetric web arrangement of helix angle ≠ も = 10 °and 20 °, which were meshed with solid helical gear, were measured from the beginning ofengagement to the end ofthe engagement by using the strain gauge method . The changes ofroot stresses from the beginning ofengagement to the end ofengagement were examined . The effects ofhelix angle , rim thickness , web thickness and web structure on the root stresses, the maximum root stress
more » ... and the mes 血ing position , where the maximum root stress ( worst loading position )occurs , were clari ∬ed . Furthermore , the obtained results were compared with the results of the solid helical
doi:10.1299/jsmemecj.2013._s111022-1 fatcat:5o7nfhcjd5dklhisfhokqajkwy