Multi-Variable Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Design of PMa-SynRM for Electric Bicycle Traction Motor

Ji-Chang Son, Kyung-Pyo Yi, Dong-Kuk Lim
2021 Processes  
In this paper, internal division point genetic algorithm (IDP-GA) was proposed to lessen the computational burden of multi-variable multi-objective optimization problem using finite element analysis such as optimal design of electric bicycles. The IDP-GA could consider various objectives with normalized weighted sum method and could reduce the number of function calls with novel crossover strategy and vector-based pattern search method. The superiority of the proposed algorithm was verified by
more » ... omparing performances with conventional optimization method at two mathematical test functions. Finally, the applicability of the IDP-GA in practical electric machine design was verified by successfully deriving an improved design of electric bicycle propulsion motor.
doi:10.3390/pr9111901 fatcat:7kjkvh3zgzdqvmxyqinujjlvpe