A Psychological Consideration for Psychological Unification of North and South Korea
남북한의 심리적 통일을 위한 심리학적 고찰

Myung Shig Kim
2015 Journal of Digital Convergence  
This study investigated the way how psychological unification of south and north korea will be achieved and mental health of korea should be enhanced. Among various political opinions proposed for the unification of korea, Dae Jung Kim's federation of south and north korea with 3-stage unification process has been known as practical and feasible policy. This thesis reviewed differences and homogeneity of two koreas, psychological attributes and mental health of north korea people, psychological
more » ... plans and researches for psychological unification, and mental health enhancement of south korea. The political, economical and social preparations being very needed urgently, the psychological preparation, curing wounded hearts for more than 60 years and psychological differences, are very important. The efforts for north and south korea's psychological unification and reorienting mental halth system of south korea met for global mental health standard and OECD recommendations were discussed.
doi:10.14400/jdc.2015.13.1.555 fatcat:wfwz6bobfzeq3mcd4mt7jvp2ry