Diode-pumped high-efficiency Tm:YAG lasers

Cheng Li, Jie Song, Deyuan Shen, Nam Seong Kim, Ken-ichi Ueda, Yujing Huo, Shufang He, Yuhui Cao
1999 Optics Express  
Eye-safe solid-state lasers that operate at 2 µm wavelength have many applications in medical, remote sensing and military technologies. With a 3-W CW laser-diode pumping, we obtained 760 mW 2.01 µm Tm:YAG laser under CW operation. The slope efficiency was 44% and the optical to optical efficiency reached 36%. In the acousto-optic Q-switched operation, laser pulses with the energy of 1.2mJ and 380 ns FWHM width have been achieved.
doi:10.1364/oe.4.000012 pmid:19396251 fatcat:bsrhdomy2bb6vexauoq7yjz5gm