Demystifying Nursing Theory

Marjorie A. Schaffer, Kristin Sandau, Bernita Missal
2017 Journal of Christian Nursing  
How does nursing theory apply to nursing practice? Nursing theory can explain the why and how of nursing practice, guide nursing interventions, and provide a framework for measuring outcomes. This article briefly explains nursing theory, provides examples for applying theory to nursing practice, and proposes questions for examining the consistency of nursing theories with Christian perspectives. A helpful table illustrating grand, middlerange, and situation-specific theories and their
more » ... n to nursing practice and research, along with references, is provided online as supplemental digital content. Three caring theories are analyzed from biblical beliefs. H ow could nurses in these settings use theory to enhance their practice? • Nurses in a busy outpatient clinic are frustrated with the lack of clear, coordinated interventions to help patients with weight management. • Nurses in labor and delivery have noted that asking patients to rate pain severity on a scale of 1-10 sometimes upsets mothers who want to avoid pharmacological interventions. • Clinical nurse specialists at a faith-oriented hospital are wondering if a life-energy caring theory is appropriate for a Christ-centered approach to care.
doi:10.1097/cnj.0000000000000375 pmid:28257353 fatcat:i6jbhrtsqvhs7adm342rlug2py