Does Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Facilitate Knowledge Management Activities in the 21st Century?

Abdul Hafeez-Baig, Raj Gururajan
2012 Journal of Software  
Recent developments in the domain of information and communication technology (ICT) , and its impact on the facilitation of knowledge management (KM), are critical in today's digital economy. This research study, through extensive literature reviews, identified constructs for the implementation of KM systems in order to study the effect of ICT on the implementation of KM in a business environment. The mixed-mode methodology was adopted to explore the effects of ICT on KM implementations, via a
more » ... urvey instrument developed through interviews. Through 80 organisations, 400 usable surveys were collected and used. The findings of this this study suggest that constructs such as "collaboration", "mutual trust", "leadership", "learning", incentive and rewards", and "T-shape skills" have the potential to support KM in the business environment. However, constructs such as "formalization" and "noncentralization" are not critical. This is the first study of its kind and the findings are associated only with four cities in India. Further research is required before generalizing the findings of this study.
doi:10.4304/jsw.7.11.2437-2442 fatcat:vjwdvxntg5e3vb3jd5tlifohne