The Influence of K-13 Implementation and Teachers' Understanding on Students' Character

Cut Zahri Harun, Kismullah Abdul Muthalib
2020 Proceedings of the 2nd Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy (YICEMAP 2019)   unpublished
Emphasis on character education in Indonesia has been intensively promoted since the introduction of Curriculum 2013, but studies on the effect of its implementation have been rare. This paper reports the findings of a survey conducted at 3 of 23 cities and districts in the Aceh Province. It looks at the influence of the Implementation of Kurikulum 2013 (Curriculum 2013, hence K-13) prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, focusing on its implementation, teachers'
more » ... tanding of it, and their influence on students' character. The study surveyed six senior high schools in Aceh, two from each of the three cities and districts using three sets of 5-point Likert Scale Questionnaires considering curriculum implementation, teachers' understanding, and students' character in their items. Multiple linear regression Analysis was performed using SPSS to find out the influence of the first two factors on the third. The results of the analyses show that the implementation of K-13 and teachers' understanding partially and simultaneously influence the character of students at senior high schools in the Province of Aceh.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.201221.015 fatcat:e2qjelrxtvbipktnd2inep5h6i