Victimization and Social Structure: The Case of Spain in 1999 and 2016 [post]

Gonzalo Herranz de Rafael, Juan Sebastián Fernández-Prados
2018 unpublished
After brings about a brief review of the theoretical explanations and researches on the reasons for being a victim, this article is organized into two sections. The first presents a comparative analysis of the data for 1999 and 2016 in terms of perceptions, profiles and most significant sociodemographic and socioeconomic variables. The second one shows an explanatory analysis based on a multivariate logistical regression model using as an independent variable lifestyle of the population and
more » ... oeconomic variables, and as dependent variables individual’s susceptibility to becoming a victim of certain crimes. The results points towards an explanatory model of victimization in which sociodemographic variables play an increasingly less important role while variables related to lifestyle and subjective perceptions make a significant contribution to greater understanding of the nature of being the victim of a crime.
doi:10.20944/preprints201811.0238.v1 fatcat:xnzhj6inybgxvk6rnj2o3owuny