Enabling Authorized Encrypted Search for Multi-Authority Medical Databases using 3DES

Ajinkya Dongare
2020 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
E-medical systems play a quite essential role in the digital transformation of health care record, which allows a patient or the user to create, manage, and control its private Personal Health Record (PHR) through the internet [1][2]. Most of the E-Medical record services are outsourced to a third-party that is public cloud. However, such outsourcing of data may lead to a variety of privacy and security related issues because of the risk of information leakage. To avoid such problems, we are
more » ... eloping systems in which data will be encrypted using 3DES algorithm before uploading to the cloud. Subsequently, only the authorized client who has the key or permissions can decrypt the data. E-Medical records are basically sensitive and should be stored in database in encrypted form. Once medical records are encrypted and outsourced, the cloud server can no longer perform keyword search, because the server is not expected to obtain any information about the records. Hence, the goal of the project is to provide security to personal health records where data needs to be kept private.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2020.30580 fatcat:fg4izcabszfkxe2aoic26y7l6u