Frontmatter [chapter]

2019 The Gospel of Climate Skepticism  
Press, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: lccn 2019020049 (print) | isbn 9780520303669 (cloth : alk. paper) | isbn 9780520303676 (pbk. : alk. paper) Subjects: lcsh: Climatic changes-Effect of human beings on-Religious aspects-Christianity. | Anti-environmentalism-Religious aspects-Christianity. | Christian conservatism-United States-History-21st century. Classification: lcc gf80 .v45 2019 (print) | lcc gf80 (ebook) | ddc 363.738/74-dc23 LC record available at
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doi:10.1525/9780520972803-fm fatcat:rzay3cfti5hnhbfeb3iue4at5q