
Stefanie Holzheu, Sang Lee
2016 Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe)   unpublished
With the work-in-progress research project ColorTracker we explore color as a formal design tool. This project-based paper describes a novel software application that processes color composition of a place and transcribes the data into three-dimensional geometries for architectural design. The research comprises two parallel trajectories: a theoretical survey and the software application design. The theoretical survey presents the historical background of color. The project-based research seeks
more » ... to develop digital methods and techniques that analyze the color compositions of the environment. Subsequently the objective is a novel application software for smart mobile devices in order to demonstrate the potentials of examining the color composition and chromatic parameters of a given environment and how it can contribute to the design.
doi:10.52842/conf.ecaade.2016.2.209 fatcat:rxkkktdhufcgtoddfttgmqlmpa