Efficacy of OLEOZON® compared to Alvogil in the treatment of alveolitis

Judit Martinez-Abreu, Nelia Guerra-Fonten, Antonio Blanco-Garcia, Sandra Naranjo-Rodrigo, Eduardo Llanes-Llanes, Silvia Menendez-Cepero
2015 Journal of Ozone Therapy  
Alveolitis is a reversible infection of alveolar process after tooth extraction. Its etiology is unknown, but there are factors increasing its incidence such as traumatisms, infections, decrease of vascular supply of surrounding bone and general systemic status. Aimed at comparing the efficacy of OLEOZON® (ozonated sunflower oil) with Alvogil, treating alveolitis clinically and microbiologically and determining the degree of patients´ satisfaction and side effects. A controlled, randomized,
more » ... le.blind, phase III clinical trial was conducted at "Reynold García" Polyclinic, Matanzas municipality (Cuba), between January 2007 and May 2010. The sample included 100 adult patients, aging from 20 to 59 years, with diagnostic criterion of alveolitis; 50 patients in the experimental group, to which were applied OLEOZON® and in the other 50 patients, Alvogil, a conventionally used medication of well-known efficacy. Cures were made every 72 hours as well as many visits as necessary to the dentist's office. Healing criterion was formation of granulation tissue and pain relief. Patients were recovered with OLEOZON® by 92% and with Alvogil, by 78%, in the third visit, with significant differences between both groups. The majority of patients needed from 2 to 3 visits to the dentist's office in both groups, though it was observed that there was a greater number of patients recovered in the group treated with OLEOZON® in the second visit, with significant differences regarding the control group. OLEOZON® proved better efficacy than Alvogil. No side effects against the medication under study were observed.
doi:10.7203/jo3t.1.1.2015.12162 fatcat:r5dergycwzgkzpnhcfejmjrgyq