Sustainable Development of the Tourism Sector in the Palestinian Economy

Khalid Mohammad Hasan Sweis, Tamer Bahjat Sabri, Issam N. Ayyash
2020 Research in World Economy  
The study aimed to identify the role of sustainable development of tourism in the Palestinian economy; it also aimed at identifying the various points of view of the study respondents mainly those who are involved in the tourism sector as well as other sectors. The researchers adopted an analytical descriptive approach using a questionnaire that was distributed to the sample of the study (n= 313). The results of the study showed that about 88% of the respondents called for the need for further
more » ... nvestments in the Palestinian tourism sector. One of the most important recommendations is the need to expand the scope of promoting tourism, increase services and improve the infrastructure of the Palestinian tourism sector.
doi:10.5430/rwe.v11n5p220 fatcat:stfrzr4lkjbsxi7kixezxsb5pu