Analysis of Consumer Behavior towards Share Trading and Sales Promotion of Indiabulls Securities Ltd

Srujan Kumar, Jrf, Patrick Sir
Investing in equities in a market like India is speculative and involves risk that may be greater than other types of investment strategies. Before investing an Investor should be careful enough about him investment decision to avoid erosion of wealth. As seen in the recent times the volatility of market is more detrimental to the retail investors as it seems to be lucrative for speculative gains of short duration of time. Hence an investor has to evaluate his options carefully for a prudent
more » ... estment, keeping long-term horizon in mind. The report has tried to bring out the parameters those are of paramount importance to general public dealing in an equity trading on day-today and delivery base trading. The working methodology has been discussed i.e. the data collection methods, sampling methods and the survey questionnaire methods. The questionnaire prepared is designed so as to cover a wide range of customer "touch points" The report given a view about the investors perception that what they think while making investments in shares. A sample of 100 people was selected randomly and survey was done as per the parameters of the questionnaire. The results of every parameter have been included in this report and shown graphically (Pie Charts, bar graphs etc.) A complete structure of the research design has been included.