الدولة الأمویة وجهودها فی الرعایة الصحیة والطبیة (41-132هـ/ 662-750م )

أسماء الکندی
2021 المؤرخ المصری  
The Arabs in the pre-Islamic era did not have medical sciences and knowledge. Before Islam, Arab doctors relied on magic, astrology and sorcery to treat diseases, and with the advent of Islam, medical knowledge began to be codified on the basis of Islamic law. They were interested in the scientific centers that contributed to the development of medicine. The interest in medicine and the provision of medical care began during the Umayyad era, so the study sheds light on the efforts and attention
more » ... that the Umayyads did in order to provide health and medical care for their society. During the Umayyad era, many male and female doctors emerged, and they played a major role in providing medical care. The Umayyads also cared about the cleanliness of the environment in order to provide a healthy environment suitable for patients.
doi:10.21608/ehjc.2021.65503.1033 fatcat:m6utfpjp4nertbrqxpg5gqx3lq