Subwavelength-Diameter Silica Wire and Photonic Crystal Waveguide Slow Light Coupling

Ziyang Zhang, Ulf Andersson, Min Qiu
2007 Active and Passive Electronic Components  
Counter-directional coupling between subwavelength-diameter silica wire and single-line-defect two-dimensional photonic crystal slab waveguide is studied numerically using parallel three-dimensional finite-different time-domain method. By modifying silica wire properties or engineering photonic crystal waveguide dispersion band, the coupling central wavelength can be moved to the slow light region and the coupling efficiency improves simultaneously. One design gives 82% peak power transmission
more » ... rom silica wire to photonic crystal waveguide over an interacting distance of 50 lattice constants. The group velocity is estimated as 1/35 of light speed in vacuum.
doi:10.1155/2007/78602 fatcat:qmsel2vwrvhfpck2x6nwasqlyi