An Optimal Model and Its Application for the Management of Municipal Solid Waste from Regional Small Cities in China

Yongfeng Nie, Tianwei Li, Gang Yan, Yeyao Wang, Xiaofan Ma
2004 Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association  
Based on the basic characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) from regional small cities in China, some optimal management principles have been put forward: regional optimization, long-term optimization, and integrated treatment/disposal optimization. According to these principles, an optimal MSW management model for regional small cities is developed and provides a useful method to manage MSW from regional small cities. A case study application of the optimal model is described and shows
more » ... at the optimal management scenarios in the controlling region can be gained, adequately validating and accounting for the advantages of the optimal model.
doi:10.1080/10473289.2004.10470894 pmid:14977320 fatcat:4alpeshdrfbjpluna347gpplw4