Contrasting Patterns of Alloreactivity Amongst Malignant and Nonmalignant Diseases Receiving Haploidentical PBSC GRAFT and Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide

Sarita Jaiswal, Ujjwayini Ray, Suman Podder, Sipra Senapati, Sumita Chatterjee, Basudevi Mishra, Swati Modak, Suparno Chakrabarti
2013 Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation  
GVHD) occurrence, overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS) were used as main outcomes in these transplantations. Results: Thirteen patients including 7 boys and 6 girls with mean age 5.33 years (range: 0.25-11) were detected through the data registry bank. The mean donors' age was 61.77 years (range: 45-75) and mean age difference was 56.44 years (range: 36.5-73) [ Table 1 ]. Regarding GVHD occurrence, 10 patients did experience acute GVHD [ Table 1 ]. With median follow-up of 16
more » ... nths OS and DFS were 83% and 69% respectively. Conclusion: Although searching the extended family for HLA-matched donors especially among grandparents seems very uncommon, this can increase the chance of well-tolerated and success transplantation especially in regions where consanguinity is common.
doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2012.11.532 fatcat:glkgkwax2jfwdg7wgoyycyklg4