Entropy based camera control for visual object tracking

M. Zobel, J. Denzler, H. Niemann
Proceedings. International Conference on Image Processing  
In active visual 3-D object tracking one goal is to control the pan and tilt axes of the involved cameras to keep the tracked object in the centers of the fields of view. In this paper we present a novel method, based on an information theoretic measure that manages this task. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that there is no more need for an explicit formulation of a camera controller, like a PIDcontroller or something similar. For the case of Kalman filter based tracking, we
more » ... nstrate the practicability and evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method in simulations as well as in real-time tracking experiments.
doi:10.1109/icip.2002.1039118 dblp:conf/icip/DenzlerZN02 fatcat:sgxhj3aitfhn7hfcmsa357txem