OSEK/VDX Porting to the Two-Wheel Mobile Robot Based on the Differential Drive Method

Duy Le Nguyen, Myung-Eui Lee
2012 Journal of information and communication convergence engineering  
In this paper, we propose an implementation of a real-time operating system for the two-wheel mobile robot. With this implementation, we have the ability to control the complex embedded systems of the two-wheel mobile robot. The advantage of the real-time operating system is increasing the reliability and stability of the two-wheel mobile robot when they work in critical environments such as military and industrial applications. The real-time operating system which was ported to this
more » ... ion is open systems and the corresponding interfaces for automotive electronics (OSEK/VDX). It is known as the set of specifications on automotive operating systems, published by a consortium founded by the automotive industry. The mechanical design and kinematics of the two-wheel mobile robot are described in this paper. The contributions of this paper suggest a method for adapting and porting OSEK/VDX real-time operating system to the two-wheel mobile robot with the differential drive method, and we are also able to apply the real-time operating system to any complex embedded system easily.
doi:10.6109/jicce.2012.10.4.372 fatcat:xbxfl4r7wjeqhctwouobxmvari