Fixed-Time Synchronization Analysis of Genetic Regulatory Network Model with Time-Delay

Yajun Zhou, You Gao
2022 Symmetry  
The synchronous genetic regulatory networks model includes the drive system and response system, and the drive-response system is symmetric. From a biological point of view, this model illustrates the dynamic behaviors in gene-to-protein processes, in terms of transcription and translation. This paper introduces a model of genetic regulatory networks with time delay. The fixed-time synchronization control problem of the proposed model is studied based on fixed-time stability theory and the
more » ... nov method. Concretely, the authors first propose a way to switch from the given model to matrix form. Then, two types of novel controllers are designed and the corresponding sufficient conditions are investigated respectively to ensure the fixed-time synchronization goal. Moreover, the settling times of fixed-time synchronization are estimated for the addressed discontinuous controllers, which are not dependent on the initial or delayed states of the model. Finally, numerical simulations are presented and compared to illustrate the benefits of the theoretical results.
doi:10.3390/sym14050951 fatcat:sceydwi5fzdqjn3zavd5qi56iy