Influence of Support Systems on the Structural Behaviour of Cylindrical Shells

T. H. Sadashivamurthy, Vijayashree. M
2015 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
the present study is intended to assess the influence of support system on the structural behaviour of cylindrical shells. Single and Multiple cylindrical shells supported on end diaphragms with free longitudinal edges, rigid support such as walls and flexible support with edge beams resting on columns are considered. Structural behaviour under gravity loads is assessed through linear static FE analysis. Develop automation tools using Excel for the Design of Circular Cylindrical Shell Roof with
more » ... Rigid and Flexible Supports using ASCE procedure. The results obtained from this method are used to validate the FE results. FE analysis is done using NISA Design Studio. Stress resultants are compared with the values as per ASCE manual. Semi-Circular Roof on Rigid Support and a circular cylindrical shell roof for the following cases is examined. Case 1: Longitudinal edges free supported on Traverse only Case 2: Flexible support -Shell with edge beams 300 mm x1800 mm Case 3: Rigid support -Shell resting on wall along the curved edge Keywords-Txdirect force in the longitudinal direction,TØdirect force in transverse direction, S-tangential shear force,MØbending moment in radial direction. I. 2. FE analysis is done using NISA Design Studio. Stress resultants are compared with the values as per ASCE manual. Primary stress resultants in a shell such as Tx, TØ, S, MØ are monitored. 3. Establish the limits for idealizing the supports to be either rigid or flexible.
doi:10.17577/ijertv4is070741 fatcat:3hznb5jhjngormodeoywxm5f74