
1882 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
towns, with an estimated population of 8,523,578, the deathrate was 27.1. Deaths reported 4373: under five 2128; pulmonary consumption 652, acute diseases of the respiratory organs 572, diarrhceal diseases 177, diphtheria and croup 152, scarlet fever 90, whooping cough 60, typhoid fever 36, measles and rötheln 28, puerperal fever 24, small-pox (Beuthen three, Koblenz two, Königsberg, Glauchan, and Strasburg each one) eight, typhus fever (Königsberg three, Danzig two, Beuthen, and Hamburg each
more » ... e) seven. The death-rates ranged from 15.1 in Metz to 45.9 in Chemnitz ; Königsberg 29.8 ; Breslau R. M. Morse, Jr. Harvard University, at its Commencement Exercises on the 28th inst., conferred the honorary degree of LL.
doi:10.1056/nejm188206291062607 fatcat:pkpdrbkdfzex7aufmesahanzdi