Combining gait and face for tackling the elapsed time challenges

Yu Guan, Xingjie Wei, Chang-Tsun Li, Gian Luca Marcialis, Fabio Roli, Massimo Tistarelli
2013 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS)  
Random Subspace Method (RSM) has been demonstrated as an effective framework for gait recognition. Through combining a large number of weak classifiers, the generalization errors can be greatly reduced. Although RSMbased gait recognition system is robust to a large number of covariate factors, it is, in essence an unimodal biometric system and has the limitations when facing extremely large intra-class variations. One of the major challenges is the elapsed time covariate, which may affect the
more » ... man walking style in an unpredictable manner. To tackle this challenge, in this paper we propose a multimodal-RSM framework, and side face is used to strengthen the weak classifiers without compromising the generalization power of the whole system. We evaluate our method on the TUM-GAID dataset, and it significantly outperforms other multimodal methods. Specifically, our method achieves very competitive results for tackling the most challenging elapsed time covariate, which potentially also includes the changes in shoe, carrying status, clothing, lighting condition,etc.
doi:10.1109/btas.2013.6712749 dblp:conf/btas/GuanWLMRT13 fatcat:htwybnzeczh2xiugkr7f5i326u