Calibration of lateral force measurements in atomic force microscopy with a piezoresistive force sensor

Hui Xie, Julien Vitard, Sinan Haliyo, Stéphane Régnier, Mehdi Boukallel
2008 Review of Scientific Instruments  
We present here a method to calibrate the lateral force in the atomic force microscope. This method makes use of an accurately calibrated force sensor composed of a tipless piezoresistive cantilever and corresponding signal amplifying and processing electronics. Two ways of force loading with different loading points were compared by scanning the top and side edges of the piezoresistive cantilever. Conversion factors between the lateral force and photodiode signal using three types of atomic
more » ... ce microscope cantilevers with rectangular geometries ͑normal spring constants from 0.092 to 1.24 N / m and lateral stiffness from 10.34 to 101.06 N / m͒ were measured in experiments using the proposed method. When used properly, this method calibrates the conversion factors that are accurate to Ϯ12.4% or better. This standard has less error than the commonly used method based on the cantilever's beam mechanics. Methods such of this allow accurate and direct conversion between lateral forces and photodiode signals without any knowledge of the cantilevers and the laser measuring system.
doi:10.1063/1.2894209 pmid:18377016 fatcat:niphmm52arhc7jmiovgjhmblpi