Current Research on Congestion Control Schemes in VANET: A Practical Interpretation

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
The change in lifestyle of human beings has increased the trend of purchasing multiple vehicles in same family. This has ultimately led to the hike in total number of on road moving vehicles. The prime concern including offering the best features to a vehicle is to offer a network that is noncongested even with this huge rise in vehicles. Therefore, a congestion control scheme is required in Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) that ensures timely distribution of messages in the case of unusual
more » ... vities or surprising events in network. Moreover, the congestion control scheme should also ensure that all the vehicles get correct information and will be able to access correct path in event of congestion. This research work focus on the existing controlling schemes for congestion in VANET. A detailed discussion is made initially on the existing schemes. Later, a comparative analysis is made on existing schemes by evaluating their performance on basis of computational overhead, latency and the throughput of packets. For simulating the network OMNeT++ is used along with SUMO. The results and discussions made at end help the novice to identify the best existing scheme for controlling the congestion in VANET
doi:10.35940/ijrte.d8213.118419 fatcat:jk3adoqhl5bapibrvjd4a5txua