An Immunosuppression Hidden Malignancy: Case Report of An Unexpected Clostridium Septicum Infection and Its Fatal Consequence

Grade M
2021 Gastroenterology Medicine & Research  
Clostridium septicum (CS) belongs to the gas-producing bacterium and occurs naturally in the soil as well as the intestinal flora. They are toxin-producing, gram-positive, obligatory anaerobic and form spores under certain conditions. Only 1% of all blood culture samples are positive for Clostridia and among them CS makes up to 1.3% of the total [1]. Proven CS in blood cultures is associated with gastrointestinal and hematological malignancy, immunosuppression and diabetes mellitus [2] [3] [4]
more » ... Related infection mortalities appear to be over 50 % [4, 5] . Cases are reported highlighting the correlation between immunosuppression and CS as well as CS and colon cancer. We present a rare clinical case in which an unexpected colon cancer was detected alongside a CS infection in an immunocompromised patient. Case Presentation A 67-year-old man was referred to our department by his general practitioner for clarifying the cause of anaemia, fatigue and inappetence. The patient was in a moderate condition and complained of an unexpected weight loss of 7kg in 3 months. He revealed a Crimson Publishers Wings to the Research
doi:10.31031/gmr.2021.05.000625 fatcat:mce56umxhfb33na2fhl4tq7enu