Фархутдинова Алия Усмановна
2020 Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление, № 1(30) 29.02.2020  
The institutions of development are considered as one of the elements of a system of financial and investment support for the development of territorial entities as an example of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The organizational and legal forms of their formation and the focus of their activities as tools for the implementation of state investment policy are investigated. The classification features include parameters of their functional purpose, operating costs, form and conditions of
more » ... , structural elements and a number of other characteristics. In order to form an effective system of support for territorial development, a model of the matrix of institutions of development operating in the republic is proposed as a basis for determining their place in the institutional environment of financial and investment support for the development of territorial entities of the region and identifying its bottlenecks and imbalances. It was noted that the activity of the territorial development support system is carried out in isolation from the stage ownership of the territories, which is the basis for choosing the directions for improving this system in terms of accumulation and direction of resources for adjusting the development paths of territorial entities towards the ascending stages of their life cycle.
doi:10.26140/anie-2020-0901-0088 fatcat:watk7sgcv5ayfakbbxq27bhyee