An audiovisual test of kinematic primitives for visual speech perception

Lawrence D. Rosenblum, Helena M. Saldaña
1996 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance  
Isolated kinematic properties of visible speech can provide information for lipreading. Kinematic facial information is isolated by darkening an actor's face and attaching dots to various articulators so that only moving dots can be seen with no facial features present. To test the salience of these images, experiments were conducted to determine whether they could visually influence the perception of discrepant auditory syllables. Results showed that these images can influence auditory speech
more » ... nd that this influence is not dependent on subjects' knowledge of the stimuli. In other experiments, single frozen frames of visible syllables were presented with discrepant auditory syllables to test the salience of static facial features. Results suggest that while the influence of the kinematic stimuli was perceptual, any influence of the static featural stimuli was likely based on subject misunderstanding or post-perceptual response bias.
doi:10.1037/0096-1523.22.2.318 fatcat:jteegepaqvaute4ugq5x7ysyui