VIGS in afrika, met spesiale verwysing na Suid-Afrika

A. T. Viljoen
1990 Koers : Bulletin for Christian Scholarship  
It is generally accepted that Africa is the continent that is m ost seriously affected by the A ID S epidemic. A s a result o f under-reporting, the actual incidence o f A ID S m ay be more than ten times higher than indicated by the official figures. The majority o f fem ales o f child-bearing age can be infected within the next 4-6 years. Infant mortality is expected to increase dramatically. Up to 50% o f babies bom to HIV-infected m others are also infected. M ost o f these babies will
more » ... op an AIDS-related illness and die at a very young age. Twelve factors have been identified which place the black population o f South-Africa am ong the highest risk groups in the w orld N o vaccine or cure is available al this stage. Education o f the general population, with the aim to bring about a change in sexual practices, is the only way to prevent a demographic catastrophe in this country. Koers 55(3) 1990:329-343
doi:10.4102/koers.v55i1-4.994 fatcat:mdtr5k7gvncwpjca5cqvnghn4m